When you meet your maker or if your mind lives forever; do you want the conversation to be ‘oh man, this is what you could have been/were supposed to be?’“
Just surviving gets you nothing; it makes you a cockroach.
If you wrote a book about your life right now, would someone read it and would it better their life? If not, get the f*ck back to work.
“The way you build confidence is by doing things that are just outside of your comfort zone and repeatedly doing so, much like you would by going into the gym and slowly increasing the discomfort, and thus your range of comfort, so your sphere of comfortable action expands”
“When you choose projects, try to ensure you can win even if you fail”; Choose projects based on the skills you’ll develop and relationships you’ll build – those will then transcend the duration of the project
Instead of seeking to become the best in the world at one thing, combine two seldom combined skills where you’re in the top 25%
“If you cannot be happy with what you have, nothing you ever get will make you happy”
Taking the time to think deeply and journal on the question, “How am I complicit in creating the conditions I saw I don’t want?” could change your life
“For the most part, people are unaware of what they would look at as their most profound and deeply held beliefs. They’re probably just preferences that got implanted by society, by your parents, by your grandparents… it’s not a bad thing, it’s a human thing.”
+“One of the things that’s always helped me in not only my career, but also in life, is the operating assumption that all of my beliefs are wrong”